2012年3月25日 星期日

Crawling, Walker and Walking

It's been awhile, but there has been so much going on that am a bit behind on blogging :)  Recently I've started crawling so mommy finally got me a walker for me to practice my walking.

You might be thinking why mommy only got me a walker after I started walking right?  Well, that is because she learnt that it is very important that I learn to crawl first.  As when I learn crawling, it helps my brain learn to co-ordinate between the left and right sides of the brain.  As well as, know by reflex that if I fall forward, my hands will know to lighten the fall to prevent my face hitting the ground.  

So now, I'm officially mobile!! Watch out world here I come ^_^ Firstly conquering the jumping castle today, so much fun!!

